August is National Dog Month.

This month consider spoiling your 4-legged family members with unique activities and treats! Here is a list of some activities you or your pooch can participate in throughout the month. Adopt a Dog: If you’ve considered adopting a dog, National Dog Month can be a great time to add another family member. Check with local [...]

Welcome Dr. Kelly Flowers!

We are so excited to announce the arrival of our fifth veterinarian! Please join us in giving a big welcome to Dr. Flowers! Dr. Kelly’s love for animals was clear at an early age! Growing up on a hobby farm outside of Waukesha, she cared for dogs, cats, sheep, goats, rabbits, ducks, geese, and chickens. [...]

Gerbil The Oak Creek Vet Care Clinic Pet

Oak Creek Veterinary Care welcomed a new member to the team – Gerbil! Gerbil is a 1.5-year-old Crested Gecko who was adopted and rehomed in our clinic lobby on Friday April 26th! COMMON NAMES: Crested gecko, New Caledonian crested gecko, eyelash gecko SCIENTIFIC NAME: Rhacodactylus ciliatus ADULT SIZE: 7 to 9 inches, including their prehensile [...]

National Poison Prevention Month

March is Poison Prevention Month! To raise awareness here is a list of 10 toxins every pet owner should be aware of. For more specific information please visit www.petpoisonhelpline.comPet Poison Helpline: 855.886.7965#1: ChocolateChocolate is the perfect treat for any holiday – Valentine’s Day, Easter, Halloween, and Christmas, all of which make this toxin number one! [...]

New Year, New Look!

Happy New Year! We are officially 1 month into 2024 and we have had some updates to our clinic!! Currently, our lobby is being remodeled! This remodeling process started the construction phase on December 8th, 2023 and was expected to last about 8 weeks. It is close to getting done and we should be up [...]

Litter Box House Rules: Setting The Stage for Success

In the wild, cats prefer to eliminate in sand or soil. When humans brought cats indoors as pets, they created the litter box, trying to simulate natural elimination conditions. While most cats don’t mind the box, cats can develop highly specific preferences, fear or pain-related aversions, or generalized stress, and they will eliminate in other [...]

Paw Print Update

While our goal had been to restructure our Paw Print Program in 2024, we had to announce last week the unfortunate news that this program will be discontinued entirely. The last day to earn paw prints was October 31st, 2023. We know for many of you this is disappointing news. In an effort to reward [...]

Frazzled Felines: Helping Your Cat Cope with Stress

In general, cats are easily stressed. What seem like minor inconveniences to you can create intense inner turmoil for your cat. Your feline friend’s anxiety can manifest as a behavioral problem, physical illness, or both. Reducing your whiskered pal’s stressors is paramount to their overall wellbeing and long-term health. Our Oak Creek Veterinary Care team’s [...]

The Golden Years: 8 Ways to Support Your Senior Pet

Pet ownership’s benefits are numerous, including improved physical health, lower blood pressure, and the ability to better cope with life’s stressors. In addition, numerous working pets have been specially trained to perform a variety of service jobs, including leading the blind, sniffing out bombs, and protecting people during seizures.  With everything that pets do for [...]

Chocolate and Pets – A Frightening Halloween!

Halloween is fast approaching, which means lots of fun costumes, trick or treating, and plenty of adorable pet Halloween costumes showing up on your social media feeds. Unfortunately, though, for our fur babies, Halloween also brings lots of delicious, tempting, and dangerous treats! Below are some helpful tips to keep your four-legged family members safe [...]

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